Monday, November 14, 2011

Bat Adjustability

Bat Adjustability by
Bat Adjustability, a photo by on Flickr.

One of the 5 key principles of Green Light Hitting. Bat Adjustability!
In other words, do you have the ability to adjust to the inside pitch.
Notice how tight his hands are to his body as he tries to hit the inside
pitch. Well done Alex!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


2011-05-01_09-18-31_579.jpg by GoWags
2011-05-01_09-18-31_579.jpg, a photo by GoWags on Flickr.

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless


2011-05-01_09-16-08_189.jpg by GoWags
2011-05-01_09-16-08_189.jpg, a photo by GoWags on Flickr.

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless


May by GoWags
May, a photo by GoWags on Flickr.

Here's hoping May brings better baseball weather!

Tournaments are here

Our much awaited tournament season is underway. If you are interested in becoming a GoWags travel team member, contact Heather at 798-1823 or you can upload a video of your son playing on our website. Click on this link